Facebook Graph API allows getting Facebook objects like posts, videos etc in JSON from. Here is an example of a post: (taken from the documentation):
"id": "719323658_129694190395214",
"from": {
"name": "Rabia Yalcinkaya",
"id": "719323658"
"message": "COK MUHTESEM!!!",
"picture": "http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=41762b7121ee68754ebea48dee4568aa&w=130&h=130&url=http%3A%2F%2Fats.vimeo.com%2F192%2F882%2F19288238_200.jpg",
"link": "http://vimeo.com/5646785",
"source": "http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=5646785",
"name": "Watermelon carving",
"caption": "vimeo.com",
"description": "Me carving a watermelon.",
"icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/z9XZ8/hash/976ulj6z.gif",
"type": "video",
"created_time": "2010-06-23T10:58:17+0000",
"updated_time": "2010-06-23T10:58:17+0000",
"likes": 1
How does one construct a url which allows you to link back to the original video (or other types) on Bret's wall on Facebook? something in the form of
Thanks, Boaz