I have a ListBox
that is a drop target of items from other sources.
Everything is working fine except in a particularly situation. When the ListBox
has no Items I can only drop in the border of ListBox
(I have a trigger so the Border is visible when dragging).
To give a bigger drop area I set the MinHeight
of the ListBox
to 25. When dragging, the Border reflects the MinHeight
of the ListBox
but the area is not considered a target. What is probably happening is that the target is considered to be the background because there is no Item in the ListBox
Here is the code for the ListBox
<ListBox Name="itmCtrlSetupSteps" Grid.Row="1" MinHeight="25"
BorderThickness="2" BorderBrush="{Binding DropBrush}" Background="Transparent"
ItemsSource="{Binding SetupSteps}" SelectionMode="Single" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource StepItemStyle}"
HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" Focusable="True"
AllowDrop="True" DragOver="itmCtrls_DragOver" Drop="itmCtrls_Drop" KeyUp="List_KeyUp"
<ControlTemplate TargetType="ListBox">
<Border BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type my:TestStepListingStepViewModel}">
<my:TestStepListingStepView HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" GotFocus="setupSteps_GotFocus" MouseDoubleClick="Step_MouseDoubleClick"/>
If I set the ItemPanel to:
<Grid ClipToBounds="True"/>
I can drop items in the empty ListBox
but then the items are presented on top of each other, instead of as a list.
Any thoughts on this?