



Using macvim, which is awesome. However I would love to have some kind of horizontal scroll bar. Is this possible?

+1  A: 

You can get a horizontal scroll bar in GUI vims by doing :set go+=b. See :h 'go' for discussion. I've just tested this on my macvim, and it works fine (make sure you also :set nowrap of course...)

Michael Dunn
Huh, you are correct that does create a scroll bar, however it does not *really work*. On my trackpad when I side scroll it does not scroll. +1 for the answer but I am gong to leave the question open.
For reasons discussed here ( this can't be done right now, but it is a planned enhancement for MacVim. You should talk with the developers on vim_mac if you want to make this happen faster.
Michael Dunn
UPDATE: from the latest version (7.3 BETA at MacVim has got proper horizontal scroll wheel support/track pad scrolling. It was just announced on vim_mac.
Michael Dunn