I am still learning sql server somewhat and recently came across a select query in a stored procedure which was causing a very slow fill of a dataset in c#. At first I thought this was to do with .NET but then found a suggestion to put in the stored procedure:
set implicit_transactions off
this seems to cure it but I would like to know why also I have seen other options such as:
- set nocount off
- set arithabort on
- set concat_null_yields_null on
- set ansi_nulls on
- set cursor_close_on_commit off
- set ansi_null_dflt_on on
- set ansi_padding on
- set ansi_warnings on
- set quoted_identifier on
Does anyone know where to find good info on what each of these does and what is safe to use when I have stored procedures setup just to query of data for viewing.
I should note just to stop the usual use/don't use stored procedures debate these queries are complex select statements used on multiple programs in multiple languages it is the best place for them.
Edit: Got my answer didn't end up fully reviewing all the options but did find
Sped up the complex queries dramatically, I am not worried about the dirty read in this instance.