I would like to read strings into Matlab from an excel file
ID = xlsread('data.xlsx',1, 'D2:D4')
the cells in range D2:D4 have strings in them. When I try to import the strings into Matlab all I get is an empty list? what can I do to fix this?
I would like to read strings into Matlab from an excel file
ID = xlsread('data.xlsx',1, 'D2:D4')
the cells in range D2:D4 have strings in them. When I try to import the strings into Matlab all I get is an empty list? what can I do to fix this?
I need to use this [num, txt, raw] = xlsread('data.xlsx',1, 'D2:D4')
the txt will import stings into Matlab.
If you're in Matlab 2010 you can also do something like this to avoid having extra values in your workspace.
[~, ~, raw] = xlsread('data.xlsx',1, 'D2:D4')