I'm using Catia software. When I query the position of an object inside my CAD drawing, the system returns a 3x4 matrix
[Rotations | Translations]
I think that the Rotations are expressed in a ZXZ fashion but for further processing I'd like to convert that rotation matrix to a XYZ notation, is this something doable?
My object is positionned at [ 0, 0, 1000 ] the orientation given by Catia is
R = [ 1 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 ]
[ 0 -1 0 ]
When I try to multiply my own point [ 0, 0, 50 ] ( just an offset on the Z axis )
P1 = [ 0 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 50 ]
R*P1 = [ 0 ]
[ 50 ]
[ 0 ]
This is what lead me to believe that the rotation matrix is not XYZ with right hand notation.