i have a database table with a list of restaurants including their names, latitudes, and longitudes. i would like to select all the restaurants that are within a certain distance from my current location. the current location is determined in the php file (right now i'm just using a static lat & lng). i found code for calculating the distance:
function findDist($lat, $lng){
$currLat = 33.777563;
$currLng = -84.389959;
$currLat = deg2rad ($currLat);
$sincurrLat = sin ($currLat);
$lat = deg2rad ($lat);
$currLng = deg2rad ($currLng);
$lng = deg2rad ($lng);
return round((7926 - 26 * $sincurrLat) * asin (min (1, 0.707106781186548 * sqrt ((1 - (sin ($lat) * $sincurrLat) - cos ($currLat) * cos ($lat) * cos ($lng - $currLng))))),4);
but how do i incorporate that into my select query? i tried this:
$query = "SELECT *
eateries E
eateries_hours EH, eateries_type ET
EH.eateries_id = E.id AND ET.eateries_id = E.id
AND findDist(E.lat, E.lng) <= .5
but of course that doesn't work because it's not recognizing the function. can i do a separate query just for lats and lngs at first, calculate the distances, and then join that with the above query somehow? any ideas?