a very cool article on how facebook breaks up their page into "pagelets" to maximize the work done by the server and browser when building a complex page that grabs various resources (ads, feeds, friends, etc). they call it bigpipe.
steve souders actually talked about this at one of his talks and he referred to it as "flushing the document early".
in .NET, you can't easily do this, but i have done it by overriding the render method and flushing response buffer early, so it's possible and it works pretty good. but i never tried it at this large scale. my question is, is it feasible to build a BigPipe in .NET? they said they built theirs in java and PHP. i think it can be done in .NET as well, but i'm wondering if the .NET winforms architecture might be suboptimal for doing something like this.
i'm considering pushing a project at our company to build something like this - but will need to do plenty of more research because this won't be a small project. i'd like to build something that could support breaking up ANY arbitrary page into these "pagelets". in .NET it might be nice to be able to turn our custom user controls into these "pagelets" and "flush" them all out in chunks - bigpipe style.