I am using the sortable demo in jquery-ui. I am trying to add an item to the sortable list at runtime, like:
<ul id='panelSortable'>
distance: '15'
function generatePanel() {
var html = "<li>";
html += "<p>hello!</p>";
html += "</li>";
return html;
function addPanel() {
var element = $(generatePanel());
the new element gets added to the sortable list ok. I can strangely drag the "p" element though, separately from the parent "li" element (which is also draggable). I want to restrict dragging to just the "li" element.
If I just declare a few "li" items in the page, they all work the normal way, where you can only drag the "li" items, not their "p" child:
<ul id='panelSortable'>
<li><p>I work normally!</p></li>
so I must be messing up the calls here to make the "p" elements also draggable?