Hi, Basically in the code below, my final array does not seem to have the contents from function1(). Any ideas on why I can't get this to work ? Thanks.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned char *function1()
unsigned char array2[] = { 0x4a,0xb2 };
return (array2 );
unsigned char temp[] = { 0xaa, 0x0b, 0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09 };
unsigned char x[2];
unsigned char *packet;
int pkt_len;
pkt_len = sizeof(temp) + sizeof(x);
packet = (unsigned char*) malloc ( pkt_len +1);
memset( packet, 0x00, pkt_len +1);
unsigned char *pointer1 = malloc ( sizeof(temp) + 1);
memset( pointer1, 0x00, sizeof(temp) +1);
memcpy (pointer1, temp, sizeof(temp) );
memcpy (packet, pointer1, sizeof(temp) );
printf("\nPacket before copy is 0x%x\n", packet[8]);
unsigned char *array2 = malloc ( sizeof (x) + 1) ;
array2 = (char *)function1();
printf("\nArray2 is 0x%x\n", array2[0]);
memcpy (packet + sizeof(temp), array2, sizeof(x) );
printf("After copy, Packet contents are 0x%x\n", packet[9]);