I want design something like...
<DB[0]><xsl:value-of select="test"><DB[0]>
which will update the database table field DB[0]
with data test.
But it's not working ...as xsl is not allowing []
I want design something like...
<DB[0]><xsl:value-of select="test"><DB[0]>
which will update the database table field DB[0]
with data test.
But it's not working ...as xsl is not allowing []
XML element Naming Conventions
For exact definition, please visit here.
So either '[' or ']' is not allowed.
In case you need to create a well-formed XML document, then a string like "<DB[0]>
" isn't a legal name.
In case you want to create just text, you can alwyas do so by specifying:
<xsl:output method="text"/>
So, this transformation:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<DB[0]><xsl:value-of select="test"/></DB[0]>
when applied on this XML document: