If a piece of software is published with the GNU General Public License does that mean that the source code is available?
In general terms, the GPL requires anyone that modifies the licensed work to distribute the source code for the modifications as well. Note though, that the GPL terms apply only to the licensee, not to the original copyright holder.
Thus, I can create a program and give it to you under GPL terms, but not give you full sources or any sources at all. The obligation to publish the source code to any modifications is only on your side.
The same principle also allows people to publish their software under dual licenses - GPL and a commercial.
Yes - it may not be readily available (as in free for download), but must be made available on request, to a person who has obtained the binary.
That is to say, the author may refuse the code to "just any stranger" if they don't release the software for public download, but, say, packaged, to selected customers, in a packet with support etc. GPL doesn't have to be gratis - it doesn't regulate restrictions on distribution of the binary, and only assures that if you got the binary, you are entitled to the source as well (and upon recompiling it, with your changes, you are free to redistribute it on your own, on your own conditions. And then you are responsible for distributing the source along with your version of the binary.)
You are not entitled to receive the code when:
If they just hosting the binary in their website and others can only see the outcome/result ( for e.g. the results of executing a php code) of that binary.. it means it is not distributed. And you not entitled to get the source code.
If they use the software internally, inside their company and never distributed.. you not entitled to receive the source code.
You are entitled to receive the code when:
Incase of GPLed javascript / css, which will be treated as distributed when the page opens in the client machine. In this case they distributed the software already and you entitled to receive the source code.
They distributed the GPL software