




I just wanted to download FxCop 1.36 but I can't find it in the internet. A few days ago FxCop 10 came out for Windows 7 but I need the old Version. The file is gone on the MS server and everybody linked it.

Anyone has the old install routine?

thanks bembi

+2  A: 

You seem to be correct. 1.35 is still availble though

Radoslav Hristov
thanks. that's a start. but I really would like to install the 1.36 version.
I found this message on msdn:
Radoslav Hristov
@Radoslav That SDK includes the newest Fxcop, v10.0, not 1.36.
Grant Palin
@Grant - thanks, I should have guessed so. I still wonder why removing the latest version but keeping 1.35.
Radoslav Hristov
+6  A: 

I have the 1.36 installer...If you still need it, I could put it up on my Dropbox for you...

Edit: here's the link to the 1.36 installer. Enjoy!

Grant Palin
that would be great. thank you very much!
I got it. Thanks again!

Go Here

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\FXCop
