I have a one-to-many relationship in data model from A to B. But in my domain API I do not expose "B"s on A (since we will never navigate from from A to B), but have a reference from B to A. Now I want to be able to delete all "B"s when A is deleted. Is it possible? Right now NH is trying first to set FK to null, which I don't want, and cannot since column is not nullable.
A = SupplierType
B = BaseProductCoInsurance
public BaseProductCoInsuranceMap()
Id(x => x.Id, "BaseProductCoInsuranceId");
Map(x => x.CoInsurancePercent).Column("CoInsrPrcnt");
References(x => x.BaseProduct, "BaseProductId");
References(x => x.PolicySupplierType, "PlcySupplierTypeID");
References(x => x.InsuredType, "InsuredTypeCode");