




Hi. Would you use Spring for a .net application? It is a big winforms application. I ask this because its been a while since there is any new version of spring.

What framework do you use for dependency injection???



Just because an open-source framework has had no releases recently does not mean it's no good - in the case of Spring.net, it's well known and well respected.

I've also used Autofac, which is somewhat simpler to configure although much less well known.

Jeremy McGee
+1  A: 

I am using LinFu in a couple of projects at the moment, which I like. I have also heard good things of Autofac. But no reason to discard Spring.NET because it's not been updated recently. Look at log4net...!

David M

We've used Spring.NET for a couple projects I have worked on and it works as you would expect with regards to dependency injection. Yeah it doesn't offer some of the things that regular Spring has but it has enough where I would recommend using it.

I think part of the reason for the lackk of recent releases is because (as I see it) most .NET developers are set in Microsoft/.NET technologies and seem to shy away from other frameworks like Spring (though this is not to say people don't use them). I just think that there are less people using it so it doesn't experience the same velocity as regular Spring.
