



Anyone know of any good server side voice recognition engines that are already hosted? I.e. I want to be able to call a simple web API posting some sound data and get text back. Doesn't have to be free - but hopefully free to experiment with.

+1  A: 

The trouble is typical IVR services host the entire phone VOIP session rather than accept discrete media sequences. If you make yourself look like a VOIP call, you might be able to get it done with some of these.

Take a look at Vlingo, Twilio, Tropo, Voxeo or Tellme.


If your sound data is single-speaker, US English, less than 3 minutes long, you should check out API ( /resources/api ).

It supports both http and https. The audio upload is an http POST. For text download, you can use either callback or polling.

Internally, it is powered by Yap's voice recognition technology, but we also add a layer of human editors to bridge the accuracy gap efficiently and securely. This gives you a choice of Standard and Premium.

MyCaption Team