



I apologize if this is a stupid question, nevertheless I need to ask. I am new to Android development and have gone through every single tutorial and reference provided. I have been doing great, with the exception of one stupid problem; I cannot find where the databases for some apps are stored.

For example I would like to build my own app that includes thousands of pre-made records from an established SQLite Database. As a reference I tried to use the "Searchable Dictionary" app from the provided programs in the Android SDK, but cannot find it.

I read that all databases are stored in /data/data//databases on the device, but I cannot find this location. So how would I access the database in Eclipse or anywhere else for that matter to set up my pre-configured database?

Thanks so much!


Assuming your package for your app is com.example.androidapp and the database name is db you can do the following:

adb shell

and then in the command line shell

cd /data/data/com.example.androidapp/databases
sqlite3 db

and then in the sqlite3 interface e.g.



SELECT * FROM tablename;

and so on.

Manfred Moser
Ok thank you that makes sense. I think my problem is that I cannot get the adb shell to run properly. It opens when I use the emulator or Android SDK but closes quickly. If I try to launch it manually from TOOLS -> AMD.exe it will not open. What am I missing with the getting the command screen to work?
I am not sure what you are using. On both Linux and Mac all I have to do is type adb shell in a command line window and I am in. Maybe you have to ensure your sdk is setup properly. There are screencasts for that on youtube..
Manfred Moser
Thanks for all your held Manfred, I did get the command functions to start working although I still am in the dark on using this type of approach. I am going to continue to read up and watch videos on how to execute the command functions to control the database.

not directly in eclipse, but sqlite db browser is petty nice

Ben, I am already using the SqLite Browser and it is a great tool. My issue is rather that I would like to figure out how to open an already existing database from an Android Project in the SqLite Browser so I can edit and add to it. Do you know how I can do this?
Yes. If you go into the ddms perspective then into the file explorer you can then navigate to the / data/ data/com.myapp/ databases folder and pull that file down. You can then open it up in SQLite browser... hope this helps
Problem with that is that you are looking at a local copy of the database so you will not see any updates in the database while you debug. I found that working on the command line in adb shell is better for up to the debug breakpoint querying (and testing..).
Manfred Moser
Ben you are me hero - 3 days of frustration and with your help finally got the solution I was looking for! Thanks a million!
cool. glad i could help. go ahead and give my answer an up vote then :)
Will do as soon as I get some reputation - unfortunately I cant yet