




I am working on creating an Action Bar like the one from the new Android UI Patterns and I am running into a bit of trouble. I have a ViewSwitcher with two layouts in it. When the user taps the search button I animate between the two layouts. The problem is that the layouts are different sizes and I can't figure out how to make them take up the same amount of space. Here's what I mean. p.s. forgive the bad art, they are just place holders ;)

The red box is right up against the ViewSwitcher and there is a gap between that and the action bar for this layout:


but not this one:

No Gap

What I want is to tell the layouts in the ViewSwitcher to be the same size. How can I do this?


You can try setting android:minHeight on the smaller one to be whatever the height of the larger one is. Or maybe setting it on the ViewSwitcher itself.


The ViewSwitcher only lets you add two Views and in your case they are two ViewGroups. You can call View#measure on each of the views you're adding to the ViewSwitcher. It looks like you should use ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT for each parameter to measure. Then you can call View.getMeasuredHeight on each view. What ever is the larger set the smaller view using View#setMinHeight.

The problem that I am having is that I don't know how big the bigger one is. It depends on the size of the `EditText`. I've seen three different sizes on three different phones. :(
I'll try your new suggestion, it's a bit more code heavy though. I was hoping to keep it in the xml.