By ASP.NET MVC plugin architecture,
I have separated DLL(plugin) which contains the views, css and javascript files in the resources. So my own VirtualPathProvider will load the content out from the DLL if that is for the plugin. It works all fine during development. But It appears not working once I deployed it in IIS. (I mapped the whidcard in IIS 6 and the views are showing)
I have registered my VirtualPathProvider in global.asax as
protected void Application_Start()
HostingEnvironment.RegisterVirtualPathProvider(new MyVirtualPathProvider());
For example. http://localhost/Plugin/MyPlugin.dll/Styles.MyStyles.css
This should be loaded from the plugin.dll but IIS returns 404.
I guess the static files are all handled by the IIS and not went through and my VirtualPathProvider ? Is there way to get around this? Please shed some light.
Thanks in advance.