



Hi again folks, hope you can help with this one (or even improve it - which won't be difficult!)

I am using UI sortables and tabs. What I can do is drag drop from column to column and manipulate the array/s to serialize it/them.

In short I have 2 cols. "col_a" and "col_b". col_a has 2 tabs Items. Can move from col_a to col_b but if you move "back" from col_b to col_a I want the draggable to ONLY go back into it's "parent" tab if you understand that one.

That is really what I would like to do OR only drag a clone of the draggable from col_a to col_b leaving the original in col_a. Then somehow (best way not sure yet) to "destroy" the draggables in col_b if they are "returned" to col_a.

$j(function() {
connectWith: '.column',
helper: 'clone'         
stop : function () {
var result = $j('#col_b').sortable('toArray');

Both col_a and col_b have the CSS class .column


OK I have it working not using sortables but using draggable and droppable actually a b"better" solution for my purpose. When I have finished the "code" I will come back and edit/update this answer