I have a csv file with 48 columns of data. I need to open this file, place it into a data structure and then search that data and present it in a DataRepeater.
So far I have successfully used CSVReader to extract the data and bind it to myDataRepeater. However I am now struggling to place the data in a table so that I can filter the results. I do not want to use SQL or any other database.
Does anyone have a suggestion on the best way to do this?
So far, this is working in returning all records:
Private Sub BindCsv()
' open the file "data.csv" which is a CSV file with headers"
Dim dirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/ftp/"))
Dim fileLocation As String = dirInfo.ToString & "data.txt"
Using csv As New CsvReader(New StreamReader(fileLocation), True)
myDataRepeater.DataSource = csv
End Using
End Sub
Protected Sub myDataRepeater_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles myDataRepeater.ItemDataBound
Dim dataItem As String() = DirectCast(e.Item.DataItem, String())
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblPropertyName"), ITextControl).Text = dataItem(2).ToString
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblPrice"), ITextControl).Text = dataItem(7).ToString
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblPricePrefix"), ITextControl).Text = dataItem(6)
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblPropertyID"), ITextControl).Text = dataItem(1)
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblTYPE"), ITextControl).Text = dataItem(18)
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblBedrooms"), ITextControl).Text = dataItem(8)
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblShortDescription"), ITextControl).Text = dataItem(37)
Dim dirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/ftp/images/"))
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("imgMain"), Image).ImageUrl = dirInfo.ToString & "pBRANCH_" & dataItem(1) & ".jpg"
DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("linkMap"), HyperLink).NavigateUrl = "http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&db=pc&cidr_client=none&lang=&pc=" & dataItem(5) & "&advanced=&client=public&addr2=&quicksearch=" & dataItem(5) & "&addr3=&addr1="
End Sub
Code add to filter results:
Dim csv As New CSVFile(fileLocation)
Dim ds As DataSet = csv.ToDataSet("MyTable")
If Not ds Is Nothing Then
Dim strExpr As String = "Bedrooms >= '3'"
Dim strSort As String = "PropertyID ASC"
'Use the Select method to find all rows matching the filter.
Dim myRows() As DataRow
'myRows = Dt.Select(strExpr, strSort)
myRows = csv.ToDataSet("MyTable").Tables("MyTable").Select(strExpr, strSort)
myDataRepeater.DataSource = myRows
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Which does return the two rows I am expecting but then when it binds to the datarepeater I get the following error: DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRow' does not contain a property with the name 'PropertyName'.
Corrected code, filter not being applied:
Public Sub PageLoad(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
lblSearch.Text = "Lettings Search"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReadCsv()
Dim dirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/ftp/"))
Dim fileLocation As String = dirInfo.ToString & "data.txt"
Dim csv As New CSVFile(fileLocation)
Dim ds As DataSet = csv.ToDataSet("MyTable")
If Not ds Is Nothing Then
myDataRepeater.DataSource = ds
myDataRepeater.DataMember = ds.Tables.Item(0).TableName
End If
ds = Nothing
csv = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Dim rowCount As Integer
rowCount = QueryCsv()
pnlSearch.Visible = False
lblResults.Visible = True
lblSearch.Text = "Search Results"
lblResults.Text = "Your search returned " & rowCount.ToString & " results"
If rowCount > 0 Then
myDataRepeater.Visible = True
pnlResults.Visible = True
btnBack.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Protected Function QueryCsv() As Integer
Dim dirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/ftp/"))
Dim fileLocation As String = dirInfo.ToString & "data.txt"
Dim numberofRows As Integer
Dim csv As New CSVFile(fileLocation)
Dim ds As DataSet = csv.ToDataSet("MyTable")
If Not ds Is Nothing Then
Dim strExpr As String = "PropertyID = 'P1005'"
Dim strSort As String = "PropertyID DESC"
ds.Tables.Item(0).DefaultView.RowFilter = strExpr
ds.Tables.Item(0).DefaultView.Sort = strSort
myDataRepeater.DataSource = ds.Tables.Item(0).DefaultView
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
numberofRows = ds.Tables("MyTable").Rows.Count
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return numberofRows
End Function