



This worked the other day and all counters (Total committed bytes, %Time in GC, Gen 0 heap size, Gen 1 heap size, Gen 2 heap size and Large object heap size) were all showing explicable amounts. The counters all come from object .NET CLR Memory and use instance w3wp (IIS worker process).

However, since this morning, all counters are zero, with the exception of %Time in GC and Total committed bytes. The system is Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, x86 64 bit, 7.5GB memory, running on an ESX host.

Has anyone come across this behavior or there a reasonable explanation? I can't seem to find it at the MS support sites or in the KB.

Update: After about three hours, the counters seem to act normally and jumped from zero to real bytes in use. After another day, they zeroed again. Anybody seen this reported somewhere or has a hint for a direction of solution?

Little screenshot:

Screendump of zeroed counters