Back in 1985, when I was a Product Planner for AT&T-IS Labs (Unix Product Management), one of my primary duties was to evaluate emerging 4GL/RDBMS products, submit product plans and recommend whether AT&T should pursue a co-marketing or co-labeling agreement with the vendor or just test/certify it as compatible on our 3B-series systems. Some notable products I submitted plans for were: Informix-4GL 1.1, Microfocus VS/COBOL Workbench, etc.
One particular sexy product which captivated my attention was Progress. Although, at that time, it didn't have SQL support, its features/functionality, integrated RDBMS engine and integrated debugging editor, which allowed me to quickly execute interpreted code and compile it once it was debugged, appealed so much to me that I recommended AT&T pursue a co-marketing agreement with the condition that SQL support be added to it.
Well, 25 years later and SQL support added, I'm looking again at Progress as an option to re-write my INFORMIX-SQL based, single-user, pawnshop management app for Windows and UNIX platforms.
I don't require networking or multi-user capabilities at this time, but that could easily change and would like that option as an add-on/upgrade option, which Progress offers. The personal (single-user) RDBMS engine costs only $246/Windows computer and the 4GL (character and GUI-based) development system costs about $2,600 (one-time charge).
Anyone here in SO have development experience, exposure with or have comments about Progress?
I'm in the process of obtaining an eval copy and would appreciate any input.