



Hi, I have a scenario where I have multiple classes implementing one interface. When at runtime the resolution is done I want some rules to execute to give me back the required instance.

I am thinking of writing some extension for Unity which can accept the configurations like this:

<unity xmlns=""&gt;

    <alias alias="IAddress" type="Interfaces.IAddress, Interfaces" />
    <alias alias="IUnityRule" type="Interfaces.IUnityRule, Interfaces"/>

    <!-- Implementations-->
    <alias alias="PersonalAddress" type="Implementation.PersonalAddress, Implementation" />
    <alias alias="CorrespondenceAddress" type="Implementation.CorrespondenceAddress, Implementation" />
    <alias alias="AddressRule" type="Implementation.AddressRule, Implementation" />

      <register type="IUnityRule" mapTo="AddressRule" name="addressRule1">
          <param name="postcode" value="AA11AA"/>
      <register type="IUnityRule" mapTo="AddressRule" name="addressRule2">
          <param name="postcode" value="XX11XX"/>
      <register type="IAddress" mapTo="PersonalAddress" name="padd">
        <rule evaluate="AddressRule">
          <dependency name="addressRule1"/>
      <register type="IAddress" mapTo="CorrespondenceAddress" name="cadd">
        <rule evaluate="AddressRule">
          <dependency name="addressRule1"/>

IUnityRule is

public interface IUnityRule
    bool Evaluate()

I am sure that somebody else already must have faced such situation or found the solution! solutions/suggestions are greatly appreciated