




I'm developing a Greasemonkey script to be used only with Firefox, and I need some help. I'm planning to use jQuery, and possibly some other scripts later on. Since the @require for GM only downloads the script at the initial install, later updates to the code won't download updates to external scripts.

Therefore, i was wondering: What happens if I paste in the raw jQuery code? IE the one found here:

Would it cause errors? What if the website on which the script is used uses jQuery 1.3.2 and I paste in jQuery 1.4.2 into the page, or vice-versa? Basically, what are the disadvantages or errors caused if I paste in the full source for scripts like jQuery, jQuery UI etc?



Your code inclusion will most likely overwrite the version of jQuery on the page. Not a big deal in most cases, though jQuery 1.4 deprecated some functionality of the previous versions that may break JavaScript already on the site. Most notable is that pre-1.4, $() returned the document, it now returns an empty jQuery object.

I think the best way to do it would be to see if jQuery is already loaded, that is check to see if the jQuery object exists, and then check if the function you need to use exists (if it is a function new to 1.4). If not, then include the code from Google cache or wherever. You can make an AJAX request and execute the returned script.

"Your code inclusion will most likely overwrite the version of jQuery on the page." Not so, this is only true if you edit the jQuery source to use `unsafeWindow` instead of `window`.
Erik Vold

For GM, each script is executed in it's own scope, so if you use @require, or paste a library (like jQuery) directly into your userscript (which is effectively equivalent), then this won't effect the scripts loaded by the page. So it won't matter if the page has jQuery loaded already, you can still load any version into your userscript. There are some versions of jQuery that don't work in a userscript however, and sometimes people recommend changing a window variable reference to unsafeWindow in order to get jQuery to work, if you do this then everything I just said goes out the window, because the unsafeWindow scope is where the page's scripts are loaded, so playing with that means you are leaving the userscript's scope.

So if you want to use jQuery, then find a version that can be @require'd (I think 1.3.2 may work) without requiring you to use unsafeWindow.

If you must use unsafeWindow, then do the following:

// check that jQuery is not already loaded
if (!unsafeWindow.$) {
  // paste jQuery code here..
Erik Vold
I realised that this is the correct answer. And yes, 1.3.2 works, not 1.4
thanks, btw!!!!

I've done this before - one long jQuery line near the top. It's not elegant, but it works fine for the time being, and works as expected. Variables in your Greasemonkey script do not affect the webpage itself, unless you explicitly access the webpage's scope via unsafeWindow.

It was a while ago, however, and I believe jQuery 1.4 does not work with this method anymore. If using 1.3 is an option, try that, instead.


If you paste in that version:

  1. It won't work, as is, you'd need to hack it. See this thread (and others). jQuery 1.3.2 is the last stable version that works with the current Greasemonkey -- without hacks or unsafeWindow (which opens possibilities of conflicts).

  2. If this script is for others, many of them will not use it. If I see 25K of semi-obfuscated Javascript, I cancel the install. I'm not the only one.
    Likewise, if I see a @require for script that is not from a trusted source, like

  3. As long as you don't do any unsafeWindow tricks, your GM-loaded scripts will not interfere with the page's scripts.


"later updates to the code won't download updates to external scripts."

That's true, but not really a factor, at least with jQuery. Pick a stable version, 1.3.2, and you're not likely to need to change that for a long time.

But, if you do, the workaround is simple. Just use GM's "Manage User Scripts" panel to uninstall the GM script and then reinstall it. You'll probably never have to do this for changes in jQuery.

Using the @require is simple, elegant, and keeps your GM script small and understandable. Unless you absolutely can't live without some feature of jQuery 1.4 or 1.7, just use the require with 1.3.2.

Brock Adams