



If I add a new file to a project under TFS source control, it will check out the project file and the corresponding .vspscc file for that project file. The project file itself changes (to include the new file), but the .vspscc file doesn't change at all. Why bother checking it out? Is there a way to disable it from being checked out and if there is, should I?

+1  A: 

It gets checked out because under certain conditions it will be modified..and thus they checked it out as a matter of default. I wouldn't worry about's not hurting anything, and if you disable it, it might bite you badly in the future in a bizarre way.

thanks. just out of curiosity, any idea what those certain conditions are?
Not a clue. I've just see it checked in with a different size once in a blue moon, so i assume it's being changed occassionally. When i get to work monday, i can see if i can tell what's different
i just looked at the version history on a vspscc file with 9 months of history and there's dozens of checkins with no changes since the first time it was added.
I could very well be wrong, as i can't verify (since i'm at home and not work), but my mind tells me i've seen it's size change. (could just be hallucinating as well :-S) Regardless, it won't hurt anything to have it checked out each time
Here's an answer: Team Foundation uses these to store lists of files that have been excluded from source control. We leveraged some of the existing SCC integration layer in Visual Studio to integrate Team Foundation, and these files were one of the carryovers.

If I remember correctly, the purpose of that file is to be checked out alongside the project file itself so that only one developer could be editing the actual project file at a time. (This always made me question the merge capabilities of TFS.)

I'm not sure that's true. TFS doesn't set an exclusive lock by default when you check out files, project files included.