



I'm attempting to use JAAS in Glassfish to handle authentication and authorization in my web applications against Active Directory. First off I have written some POJO programs that can successfully connect to my AD and authenticate against the users and groups I have setup. So I am confident that the usernames, passwords, and groups I'm using inside my web application are correct.

I'm following This tutorial to setup a Realm in Glassfish to handle the authentication and authorization inside my webapp. I have modified my web.xml and sun-web.xml with my data that I want.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""  xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">

and my sun-web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.0 Servlet 2.5//EN" ""&gt;
<sun-web-app error-url="">
  <class-loader delegate="true"/>
    <property name="keepgenerated" value="true">
      <description>Keep a copy of the generated servlet class java code.</description>

My Realm

name: activedirectory
class name:
JAAS context: ldapRealm
Directory: ldap://myADServersIPAddress:389
Base DN:   DC=myAD,DC=com
search-filter             (&(objectClass=user)(userPrincipalName=%s))
search-bind-password      fakepasswordhere
group-search-filter       (&(objectClass=group)(member=%d))
search-bind-dn            DN=Administrator

The error message I get in my logs when I login and it fails is

Login failed:  
javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-
0C090290, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 525, v893]

I did some research about the error code "data 525" and apparently it means the username is invalid. I'm using an id and password that I know is valid and I know is a member of "Test" as defined in my sun-web.xml. I've tried the userPrincipal format (username@domain) with the current settings as well as the sAMAccountName form (domain\username) with no luck. I've also changed search-filter in my realm to use sAMAccountName where userPrincipalName is and that didn't work using both combos either. Does anyone have any clues or suggestions? I feel like I've done the research and I'm very close but very stuck at this point. Thank you if anyone actually takes the time to read all of this!


What I would actually test might be your Lookup Credentials, since you are searching based on DN=Administrator, right? Have you tried giving it the full dn to the Administrator account for the search-bind-dn? Typically by default that would DN=Administrator, CN=Users, DC=myAD, DC=com based on your info above.


I agree with REW - my search-bind-dn had to be fully qualified for the search-bind id to work.
