I have a Generic.xaml theme created that sets styles for all common controls, including TabItem This them is applying ok to all controls in the application
When I create a TabItem control and display it, it gets the Theme OK.
TabItem t = new TabItem();
t.Header = "Normal";
However when i create a Custom Control based on TabItem
public partial class ClosableTab : TabItem
and display it
ProActive.LocalControls.ClosableTab ct = new ProActive.LocalControls.ClosableTab();
ct.Header = "COMP";
The theme is ignored.
I have tried over writing its defaultstyle using
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(ClosableTab), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(TabItem)));
Why if my custom control is based on a TabItem is the theme not also applying to it?