



OK folks,

So I have a valid XHTML 1.0 Strict webpage. I'm aware of the differences between XHTML and HTML, but, what are the differences between XHTML and HTML 5?

Would a 'conversion' be as easy as changing the Doctype, and it would all still validate OK?

Or, are there markup differences that would need to be changed first?



+5  A: 

Here's a nice article you may take a look at.

Darin Dimitrov
Oh, nice one! Thanks, having a read now.
Jack Webb-Heller
In many ways, easier than I thought. In others (e.g. IE Javascript) slightly more complex. But, my target audience will all be using standards-compliant browsers, so, I reckon HTML5 is the way to go for this. Thanks for your help!
Jack Webb-Heller