



How to get the key of a especific directory in the registry of windows XP?

I'm using Delphi


+1  A: 

There are no directories in the registry. The registry contains keys and values. The values have names and data. The keys are like directories, though.

If you want to inspect the contents of a key, you can use the TRegistry class. Set its RootKey property to HKey_Current_User, and use its OpenKeyReadOnly method to open the subkey. Then you can use the various Read methods to read the data of any value.

If you're not sure what the type is of a data entry, you can use the GetDataType orGetDataInfo` methods.

To read a list of all the data entries' names, you can use GetValueNames.

All of those are documented in the help, and now that you know their names, it should be easier for you to find many examples.

Rob Kennedy
Calm down!! some directories have a specific key in the registry, and are listed in the address that I showed. I need to know the key of a especific directory.
you criticize too fast
OK. So what directory do you want to know about? What do you want to know about it? Since I've already told you how to get information from the registry, I can only assume that you don't know what information you need. So what problem are you trying to solve?
Rob Kennedy
How to get the key of a especific directory(any) in the registry of windows XP?
You already said that. What trouble are you having with that task?
Rob Kennedy
man!? you're crazy??? I want know what is the corresponding key!!!!!
*You* calm down. Repeated punctuation won't help. Is there something special about the *particular* directory key you mentioned? Does that key hold information about certain directories, but without indicating *which* directories? And are you having trouble deciphering the storage format? Is *that* what you wanted to ask about? You can't just paste a registry key at the bottom of your question and expect people to figure out what you're asking. Use complete sentences to introduce ideas.
Rob Kennedy