Is there a way to show only leading spaces of a line? I searched the manual of lstlisting, but it seems it did not support this feature. I am type setting a piece of code, using lstlisting with the "showspaces" enabled, it shows all spaces in the code, which messed my eyes (and probably others I guess). Since the code is layouted, I only want to show the leading spaces of each line to give an impression of what layout means to the reader. Anybody knows a work around? Thanks.
I can't find any solution either... Ugly ugly ugly workaround:
\newcommand{\s}{\phantom{\ }}
and use \s
instead of space in your code.
Don't downvote. I'll delete if something better comes up. :-)
2010-06-27 08:09:55
aioobe, though it is ugly, I see it could solve the problem, thanks for the reply anyway.
2010-06-27 09:17:01