




Is there a C function that can concatenate all the passed arguments (except the name of the executable) into a char* and return it?

+3  A: 

Why would there be ? Just use strcat in a loop.

Paul R
Strcat in a loop is not so effective, it traverses the first (growing) part of the string for each concatenation.
That's hardly likely to be a problem with the typical length of command line parameters...

Something like this? No guarantees that this will compile.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  int i;
  int len = 1;
  char * str;

  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
     len += strlen(argv[i]);

  str = malloc(sizeof(char)*len);
  str[0] = '\0';

  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
     strcat(str, argv[i]);

  //Use str for whatever you want
  printf("My string is %s\n", str);

You need `str[0] = '\0';` before your `strcat` loop. And your two loops should start at 1 rather than 0 (since he doesn't want the name of the executable in the string). Also it's bad form to cast the result of malloc in C.
Paul R
Thanks for catching that. Fixed. I was always told its bad form not to cast the result of the malloc. Must google about this.
You should alloc 1 byte more than the length of the sums of string lengths `str = malloc(len+1);` . Besides the OP wanted only the program paramters, so your loops should start with `i=1` not 0.
@tristopia. Thanks for that!
@Paul R You were right about the casting. It's strange always remember people telling me to cast the malloc. Must be one of those old myths.
Paul mentioned that it's bad form to cast the result of malloc. Besides just looking ugly, it tends to mask the very serious error of using malloc without a prototype, which will break on 64-bit systems. So don't do it.
@Il-Bhima: you need to do this if you call malloc in C++, unfortunately, but there is no need to in C and omitting the unnecessary casts can help avoid masking bugs that the compiler would otherwise have picked up for you.
Paul R
Just for my information, why do you cast the return of malloc ? I think I never saw that.EDIT : Ok, didn't see the preivous replies. What kind of reported bug would it "hide" ?
@Paul R: I think I fixed that. len starts from 1, not 0.

I don't think there's such a function, but if I'm not wrong, you just have to :

  • get the length : len = strlen(argv[1]) + strlen(argv[2]) + ... and check for overflow
  • use malloc : malloc(len + 1) * sizeof(char))
  • set your_copy[0] to '\0'
  • use strcat(your_copy, argv[1]), strcat(your_copy, argv[2])... for each remaining argv[]

EDIT : Oh, the previous answer may be better. ;)

sizeof(*your_copy) is bogus. The definition of sizeof in C is based on char, i.e. sizeof(char) is always 1. By the way, most systems restrict the command line from being gigantic, but you should never add/multiply numbers to pass to malloc unless you've taken care to ensure that the result cannot overflow.
Thanks for this comment, I'll think about it.
+2  A: 

Try that:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    unsigned int i;
    size_t len = 0;
    char *_all_args, *all_args;

    for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
        len += strlen(argv[i]);

    _all_args = all_args = (char *)malloc(len+argc-1);

    for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
        memcpy(_all_args, argv[i], strlen(argv[i]));
        _all_args += strlen(argv[i])+1;
        *(_all_args-1) = ' ';
    *(_all_args-1) = 0;

    printf("All %d args: '%s'\n", argc, all_args);


    return 0;
Johannes Weiß