Hello, further to my previous question, I have a new problem now, I want to get a property which is an array :
string propertyName="DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns";
PropertyInfo pi = control.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName)
But actually, it returns null.
Best Regards,
Florian Edit : Sorry for the lack of precision :$ I access to Bands property thanks to the answers of my precent question. My real problem is to access at the 'Columns' property which is a property of type 'Band'. I hope it's more clear.
EDIT2 : here an example :
PropertyInfo t = control.GetType().GetProperty(entry.Value[i].Nom.Split(new char[] { '.' })[0]);
PropertyInfo property = control.GetType().GetProperty(entry.Value[i].Nom.Split(new char[] { '.' })[0]);
PropertyInfo nestedProperty = property.PropertyType.GetProperty("Bands");
in nestedProperty I have Bands (Infragistics.UltraWinGrid.BandsCollection Bands) but I don't manage to access Bands[0] and the 'Column' Property