Here's my version of the function you need from IERange, with my comments:
function getChildIndex(node) {
var i = 0;
while( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
return i;
function getTextRangeBoundaryPosition(textRange, isStart) {
var workingRange = textRange.duplicate();
var containerElement = workingRange.parentElement();
var workingNode = document.createElement("span");
var comparison, workingComparisonType = isStart ?
"StartToStart" : "StartToEnd";
var boundaryPosition, boundaryNode;
// Move the working range through the container's children, starting at
// the end and working backwards, until the working range reaches or goes
// past the boundary we're interested in
do {
containerElement.insertBefore(workingNode, workingNode.previousSibling);
} while ( (comparison = workingRange.compareEndPoints(
workingComparisonType, textRange)) > 0 && workingNode.previousSibling);
// We've now reached or gone past the boundary of the text range we're
// interested in so have identified the node we want
boundaryNode = workingNode.nextSibling;
if (comparison == -1 && boundaryNode) {
// This must be a data node (text, comment, cdata) since we've overshot.
// The working range is collapsed at the start of the node containing
// the text range's boundary, so we move the end of the working range
// to the boundary point and measure the length of its text to get
// the boundary's offset within the node
workingRange.setEndPoint(isStart ? "EndToStart" : "EndToEnd", textRange);
boundaryPosition = {
node: boundaryNode,
offset: workingRange.text.length
} else {
// We've hit the boundary exactly, so this must be an element
boundaryPosition = {
node: containerElement,
offset: getChildIndex(workingNode)
// Clean up
return boundaryPosition;
var textRange = document.selection.createRange();
var selectionStart = getTextRangeBoundaryPosition(textRange, true);
// selectionStart has properties 'node' and 'offset'