I just discovered the possibility to use vi-mode in zsh. Pretty awesome. But I used CTRL-r in emacs-mode pretty much and really really miss it. Is there something alike or can I get that functionality in vi-mode as well?
From gVIM's help /
?{pattern}[?]<CR> Search backward for the [count]'th previous
occurrence of {pattern} |exclusive|.
2010-06-27 13:03:25
What i liked about CTRL-r is its responsiveness. Typing until i see my expected result. I have to hit enter when using '/' and then it could be something unexpected :/
Nils Riedemann
2010-06-27 13:07:58
You can bind history-incremental-search-backward
to any key, for example:
bindkey -M vicmd '?' history-incremental-search-backward
2010-06-27 14:57:39