In the context of an IoC container, it's a bit ambiguous to say 'convert it to a singleton'. If you mean the singleton design pattern, you probably shouldn't do it that way, as there are better alternatives in the IoC world.
IoC containers perform two main roles: to resolve dependencies between components, and to manage the lifetime of components. A container manages the lifetime of its components by deciding when to create and destroy component instances.
For example, when you call container.Resolve<SiteInfo>()
, the container has to decide whether to re-use an existing SiteInfo instance or create a new one. How does the container decide? Well, when you register SiteInfo with the container, you can tell the container how you would like it to behave. If you register it as a Singleton, the container will only create a SiteInfo instance on the first call to container.Resolve<SiteInfo>()
; on subsequent calls, it re-uses the existing SiteInfo instance.
The advantage of this technique over the singleton pattern is flexibility. If you use the design pattern, your SiteInfo class will forever be a singleton (unless you refactor). By using the container to manage the lifetime, you can change your mind later and just change the container registration code. Consumers of the component don't need to (and shouldn't) care whether the container provides them with a new instance or re-uses an existing one - they just call container.Resolve()
I'm not familiar with Windsor (I use Autofac), but it looks like you have two ways of registering a component as a singleton (I'm sure someone will correct me if this is wrong):
container.Register( Component.For<SiteInfo>()
.LifeStyle.Singleton );
However, a word of warning. In your example, your SiteInfo class has a dependency on the _SiteRepository class. You will therefore also need to register a _SiteRepository instance as a singleton in the container, so that it is available when the container resolves the SiteInfo. This _SiteRepository instance will remain in memory for the lifetime of the container, i.e. for the lifetime of the Web application, because it's a singleton. If the repository keeps a DB connection open, therefore, that connection will remain open for the same lifetime.
For this sort of reason, an alternative lifestyle is per-web-request - in other words, the container will create a new instance of your SiteInfo class once per web request. The per-web-request lifestyle is discussed in another question.