If you are using Flash Builder (or Flex Builder) you can accomplish this by creating an ActionScript project. I am a bit unclear when you say you want to use the Flex SDK but in pure ActionScript since Flex is a framework for ActionScript. So if you are talking about mx Effects and Spark Effects please let us know.
The following is for a pure ActionScript 3.0 project.
Ok so you will need a class that extends MovieClip
say SimpleFlash
. You can extend Sprite
instead if you do not need to use a timeline.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class SimpleFlash extends MovieClip {
public function SimpleFlash() {
We will need a simple shape to be placed in our SimpleFlash
var simpleShape:Shape = new Shape();
simpleShape.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
simpleShape.x = 0;
And we will have to add an event listener to the shape so that when we enter the first frame, we can execute some animation.
Do not forget to add it to the display list
In our simpleAnimation function (called two lines up) we want to move the shape in a straight line along the x axis.
public function simpleAnimation(event:Event):void {
event.target.x += 1;
The shape after will move 1 unit to the right every time the Event of ENTER_FRAME is fired.
There you go a simple animation without the timeline.
What you can learn from this ?
- Change
to another number see what happens. Does the shape move faster or slower ?
- Change
to event.target.y
which way does it go ?
- Can you make it go diagonally ? How ?