



Is there a simple regular expression to match all unicode quotes? Or does one have to hand-code it like this:

quotes = ur"[\"'\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d]"

Thank you for reading.


+4  A: 

Python doesn't support Unicode properties, therefore you can't use the Pi and Pf properties, so I guess your solution is as good as it gets.

You might also want to consider the "false quotation marks" that are sadly being used - the acute and grave accent (´ and ` ): \u0060 and \u00B4.

Then there are guillemets (« » ‹ ›), do you want those, too? Use \u00BB\u203A\u00AB\u2039 for those.

Also, your command has a little bug: you're adding the backslash to the quotes string (because you're using a raw string). Use a triple-quoted string instead.

>>> quotes = ur"[\"'\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\u0060\u00b4]"
>>> "\\" in quotes
>>> quotes
>>> quotes = ur"""["'\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\u0060\u00b4]"""
>>> "\\" in quotes
>>> quotes
Tim Pietzcker
@Tim - Thanks! Will Py3 support unicode properties?
Brian M. Hunt
Not yet; there is a rewrite of the `re` module underway, but I have no idea when/if it will be merged into the main development branch. I doubt it will be there before Python 3.3.
Tim Pietzcker
+3  A: 

Quotation marks will often have the Unicode category Pi (punctuation, initial quote) or Pf (Punctuation, final quote). You'll have to handle the "neutral" quotation marks ' and " manually.

+1: Man, I overlooked this. I have corrected my answer. Sadly, Python doesn't support Unicode properties (yet). He didn't specify Python, but I'm guessing this from his code sample and his previous question.
Tim Pietzcker