



Hey everyone,

I've got a .NET application running on WCF. In that application, I have a variety of "Types" defined ("CourseType", "PresentationType", "HierarchyType", etc) as enums. These are automatically synced with the database, so I can write nice code like:

public enum CourseType {
  Online = 1, 
  Classroom = 2


if(course.Type == CourseType.Online) {
  // do stuff on the server

I was wondering if anyone knew of a nice way to serialize the entire enum so I can write similar statements in JavaScript.

Note that I'm not asking about serializing just the value. What I want is to end up with some sort of JavaScript object that looks like:

CourseType = {
  'online' : 1,
  'classroom': 2

I could do this via reflection, I know, but I was hoping there was a built-in solution of some sort...


Using a JSON serializer with an anonymous type works really well in my opinion if the enum is relatively static and wont change often:

new { CourseType.Online, CourseType.Classroom }

But if you were looking for something to handle dynamic or multiple enums with no maintenance, you could create something that iterates over the name value pairs and creates a dictionary to be serialized (don't need reflection).

public static IDictionary<string, int> ConvertToMap(Type enumType)
  if (enumType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("enumType");
  if (!enumType.IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException("Enum type expected", "enumType");

  var result = new Dictionary<string, int>();
  foreach (int value in Enum.GetValues(enumType))
    result.Add(Enum.GetName(enumType, value), value);

  return result;


If you need a JSON Serializer... I really like using JSON.NET

Calgary Coder

Here ya go:

private enum CourseType
    Online = 1,
    Classroom = 2

private void GetCourseType()
    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();

    string[] names =

    output.AppendLine("CourseType = {");
    bool firstOne = true;
    foreach (string name in names)
        if (!firstOne)
            output.Append(", " + Environment.NewLine);
        output.Append(string.Format("'{0}' : {1:N0}", name, (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(CourseType), name)));

        firstOne = false;
    output.AppendLine(Environment.NewLine + "}");

    // Output that you could write out to the page...

This outputs:

CourseType = {
'Online' : 1, 
'Classroom' : 2
Robert Seder