Hi guys,
I'm trying to migrate from watin to selenium 2
However, upon loading a significant ammount of pages, it is selecting the 1st frame in a frameset by default. (which is a header frame)
I can't seem to select any other frame on the page, or navigate to the parent html (containing the frameset)
heres some stuff I've tried;
- Browser.SwitchTo().Frame(null);
- Browser.SwitchTo().Window(null);
- Browser.SwitchTo().Frame("relative=up");
- Browser.SwitchTo().Frame("relative=parent");
- Browser.SwitchTo().Frame(1);
- Browser.SwitchTo().Frame(0);
- Browser.SwitchTo().DefaultContent();
- Browser.SwitchTo().Window("relative=up");
- Browser.SwitchTo().Frame("main");
and always Pagesource shows the header code ...
Any help would greatly be appreciated