Hello, I'm an Avid Javascript developer, and am wondering if there's any to use Open web technologies (JS/HTML/CSS) to build a flash game.
After a few Google searches, i've got nothing, so I'm asking here.
Hello, I'm an Avid Javascript developer, and am wondering if there's any to use Open web technologies (JS/HTML/CSS) to build a flash game.
After a few Google searches, i've got nothing, so I'm asking here.
If you want to build the Flash game on the web, http://wonderfl.net/ is forkable and editable code that compiles instantly all in your browser, with a pretty vibrant community of flash developers (though I find a lot of the code comments are in Japanese, which I can't unfortunately speak/read). The editor I think defaults to a flash based text editor, but there is an option to use a html/css version instead.
If you want to build an editor like wonderfl.net, you'll need a serverside SWF compiler. I believe MTASC is still the most popular way to do that.
If you just want to build a flash game without buying flash, Eclispse + the Opensource FLEX sdk will do it with some work or notepad/textmate + MTASC.
Flash is just as "open" as JavaScript. They are both based on ECMAScript. The Flex compiler is fully open-source, and there are a bunch of really great open-source tools for developing with, including my personal favorite IDE; FlashDevelop.
Flex and Flash can also use CSS for formatting if you prefer, but there are better options than verbose CSS.