Well, just trying to unpack the hex values in various ways...
#! /usr/bin/python
import struct
import binascii
a = '04867C279DE2D6EC'
b = '04867C27C030085E'
c = '04867C27C230A5FE'
formats = ['2I', '2i', '2f', 'd', '4h', '4H']
formats += ['>'+item for item in formats]
for fmt in formats:
print fmt, '-->'
for item in [a,b,c]:
coords = struct.unpack(fmt, binascii.unhexlify(item))
print ' ', coords
Yields some ideas...
2I -->
(662472196, 3973505693)
(662472196, 1577595072)
(662472196, 4272238786)
2i -->
(662472196, -321461603)
(662472196, 1577595072)
(662472196, -22728510)
2f -->
(3.5044675291578432e-15, -2.07824221089183e+27)
(3.5044675291578432e-15, 2.4533886735682109e+18)
(3.5044675291578432e-15, -1.0978789217059195e+38)
d -->
4h -->
(-31228, 10108, -7523, -4906)
(-31228, 10108, 12480, 24072)
(-31228, 10108, 12482, -347)
4H -->
(34308, 10108, 58013, 60630)
(34308, 10108, 12480, 24072)
(34308, 10108, 12482, 65189)
>2I -->
(75922471, 2648889068)
(75922471, 3224373342)
(75922471, 3257968126)
>2i -->
(75922471, -1646078228)
(75922471, -1070593954)
(75922471, -1036999170)
>2f -->
(3.1617264522911893e-36, -6.0043925910101893e-21)
(3.1617264522911893e-36, -2.7505106925964355)
(3.1617264522911893e-36, -44.162101745605469)
>d -->
>4h -->
(1158, 31783, -25118, -10516)
(1158, 31783, -16336, 2142)
(1158, 31783, -15824, -23042)
>4H -->
(1158, 31783, 40418, 55020)
(1158, 31783, 49200, 2142)
(1158, 31783, 49712, 42494)
Unpacking it as a big-endian unsigned 32bit integer (>2I) looks a bit like it might be projected coordinates of some kind...
(-32.063657, 115.7658683) --> (75922471, 2648889068)
(-32.0633982, 115.7649085) --> (75922471, 3224373342)
(-32.0633846, 115.7653336) --> (75922471, 3257968126)
If it is in UTM, it's probably UTM Zone 50S, based on the lat, long... We don't know the datum, but that shouldn't make more than a couple of hundred meters difference.
For zone 50S:
(lat, long) --> (Easting, Northing)
(-32.063657, 115.7658683) --> (383506.31320936838, 6451842.2821839228)
(-32.0633982, 115.7649085) --> (383415.3800562254, 6451869.9348384682)
(-32.0633846, 115.7653336) --> (383455.49221963808, 6451871.9016738012)
(Using OSR's (horribly unpythonic) python wrappers...)
from osgeo import osr
def latlong2utm(lat, long):
epsg_wgs84 = 4326
epsg_utm50S = 32750
inproj = osr.SpatialReference()
outproj = osr.SpatialReference()
transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(inproj, outproj)
x,y,_ = transform.TransformPoint(long, lat)
return x, y
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like UTM Zone 50S, anyway... And Zone 49 doesn't look any better...
So, not much help, but I figured I'd post this to help other folks who might be trying the same path... (I also tried unpacking things as IBM floats instead of IEEE floats... No luck there either...) Maybe I'm just being stupid, but I'm out of ideas. Hopefully this helps a bit, though...