I have a few internal .net web application here that require users to "log out" of them. I know this may seem moot on an Intranet application, but nonetheless it is there.
We are using Windows authentication for our Intranet apps, so we tie in to our Active Directory with Basic Authentication and the credentials get stored in the browser cache, as opposed to a cookie when using .net forms authentication.
In IE6+ you can leverage a special JavaScript function they created by doing the following:
document.execCommand("ClearAuthenticationCache", "false")
However, for the other browsers that are to be supported (namely Firefox at the moment, but I strive for multi-browser support), I simply display message to the user that they need to close their browser to log out of the application, which effectively flushes the application cache.
Does anybody know of some commands/hacks/etc. that I can use in other browsers to flush the authentication cache?