



Dear Folks, I am looking for a piece of advice to maintain the assembly versions in an automated build environment.

Basically I have an project that contains couple of aspx page and ascx controls and each of them defined some assembly versions into the markup.

Something like following..

CodeBehind="FeatureSettings.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyNameSpace.FeatureSettings, MyAssemblyName, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=019833373fab25db"

Now, I have an automated build environment where MSBuild upgrades the assembly versions and creates new builds. Each time I have a major release build finishes I got a new versions (i.e. ) but the markup in aspx, ascx remains unchanged ( which is not correct and bumps the application.

Guys can anybody advice me how to resolve this problem? I know I can write a console program to handle these kind of issues, but what is the industry standard for this?

Any comments would be appreciated :)

Best regards