


+1  Q: 

MooTools Plugins

Hi, Im looking for some good resources for MooTools. jQuery has a nice plugins site. Does anyone know of a similar site for mootools plugins?

Specifically Im looking for:

  • Grid Component
  • Modal Dialog Component
  • Treeview

What would you recommend?

+1  A: 

clearly not looked very far (at least for the repository) - any google search for 'official mootols plugins' would have done the trick. Even a look at the mootools homepage reveals The Mootools Forge:

I cannot comment on the availability of the individual items yet I know treeview is available, modal dialogues also - that leaves the grid component.


If i had to pick, i'd go with for modal view (by 60 seconds, aka chris pitt) - consise, to the point and customisable BY YOU. events etc as you'd expect.

As for tree view, the only one I used a while back is called... mooTree, - very flexible (adopt structure from html, xml or json source if memory serves etc).

Dimitar Christoff
Also, google for "clientcide plugins".
Oskar Krawczyk
Dimitar Thanks for the site but I have been there. and pickings are slim. Not many choices. I hope your not saying this is it. 2 modal dialog plugins to choose from and 2 tree views. And I cant seem to find a decent gridview. For the modals and TreeViews which have you used and what do you recommend?
John Hartsock
please view revised answer. i tend to write my own stuff and not use plugins. keep in mind that the mootools forge is only a few months old and it is somewhat time consuming to package and up plugins to github to release (which is why I tend not to release any plugins there cept for mooSelecta which was just for testing). **gridview?** what is this meant to do?
Dimitar Christoff
Dimitar, thanks for your suggestions. What I mean by GridView is something similar to Jquery Plugin jqgrid. I have seen a few from google search but nothing that really make me say "WOW".
John Hartsock