Hi All,
I'm writing a makefile for a project. The project makes use of OpenCV. I have installed the OpenCV 2.1, now, how can I include the OpenCV libraries into the makefile?
When I had the same project in a non-makefile type project environment, I used to point to these libraries in the Project Properties of Eclipse. As given below -
In the
Compiler Settings > Directories > "C:\OpenCV2.1\include\opencv"
In the
Linker Settings > Libraries >
cv210 cvaux210 cxcore210 highgui210 cv210d cvaux210d cxcore210d highgui210d
Linker Settings > Libraries Search Path > "C:\OpenCV2.1\lib"
Now, in the makefile way of building this project, whats the equivalent step of what I have done above?
I have no problem with how to include the header files, I do that by simply giving its complete path in the makefile and a complete path in the source files where I include them.
But with the Linker settings, I really have no experience, can anyone please show me the way?