



I want to build a stack of resources that will be used by different threads, but want to block to calling thread up to a timeout until a resource becomes available. The method WaitUntilTheStackHasMember() is the part I am lacking. I though of using a method like the one described on MSDN's timer and autoreset event, but it got complicated.

Is there an easier way to do this?

Class ResStack

    public TimeSpan TimeOut { get; set; }
    private object lockSync;
    private Stack<Resource> Resources;        

        // populate Stack

    public void AddResource (Resource resource)
        lock (lockSync)

    private Resource PopRes()
        Resource res = null;
        lock (lockSync)
            if (Resources.Count > 0)
                res = Resources.Pop();
                WaitUntilTheStackHasMember() // Not implemented
        return res;
+3  A: 

If you can use .NET 4, the BCL added a BlockingCollection<T> class that does exactly what you need. You can construct it with a ConcurrentStack<T> to achieve blocking stack semantics.

You'll want to use the TryTake(out T, TimeSpan) method for your timeout requirements.

Chris Schmich

Your method could repeatedly sleep and test until some time elapsed or a resource showed up. Have it return a flag indicating that it found a resource or timed out:

bool WaitUntilTheStackHasMember()
    TimeSpan waitPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
    int sleepPeriod = 100; // milliseconds
    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
    while ((Resources.Count == 0) && ((DateTime.Now - startTime) < waitPeriod))
    return Resources.Count > 0;