hi all..this is my code:
$Line = mysql_real_escape_string(postVar("showline"));
$Model = mysql_real_escape_string(postVar("showmodel"));
$NIK = mysql_real_escape_string(postVar("showNIK"));
$sql ="SELECT NIK,Line,Model FROM inspection_report";
$sql.="WHERE NIK='".$NIK."' AND Model LIKE '%".$Model."%' AND Line='".$Line."'";
$sql.="ORDER BY Inspection_datetime DESC LIMIT 0 , 30";
$dbc=mysql_connect(_SRV, _ACCID, _PWD) or die(_ERROR15.": ".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("qdbase") or die(_ERROR17.": ".mysql_error());
$res=mysql_query($sql) or _doError(_ERROR30 . ' (<small>' . htmlspecialchars($sql) . '</small>): ' . mysql_error() ); // submit SQL to MySQL and error trap.
$objJSON=new mysql2json();
at firebugs shows that connection to process page ok...but at response show error.. where is my fault?