



So I'm trying to embed the google analytics login page onto a page. Works fine on IE and Firefox. The website is hosted on a local machine.


<iframe src=";hl=en" height="1000px" width="100%">Your browser does not support iframes.</iframe>

Is this a bug in chrome safari or can I adapt my xhtml to fix this?

Edit :In the end I used the Google Analytics API with this PHP library and google chart api.

+1  A: 

Google is setting response headers to explicitly block the loading of these pages into an iframe. The headers are respected by newer browsers, but not implemented in older ones. I suspect you're using a version of IE below 8 if this is working for you.

Rob Cooney
Ah I thought they may be blocking it somehow.I've since found a php library which pulls data from google analytics.I'm loving the power of the google query browser. After I run the data through google's chart api it should achieve a similar seems strange that there is no existing open source software which embeds GA charts into a website.