



Hi all,

Here is my tables structure..

Profile: ProfileID (PK), ProfileName varchar(50), GenderID (Fk)

Gender: GenderID (PK), GenderName varchar(50)

Gender table has 2 possible values : Male, Female.

In entity framework, when I am updating the profile with GenderID, I use the following code:

        profile.GenderID = Repository.


GetGender method looks like the following:

public Gender GetGender(string genderName)
    return (from gender in db.Genders
            where (gender.GenderName.Equals(genderName))
            select gender).First();


Is there a better way of doing it? I feel like I am not using Entity Framework like it should be...

If I assign the value to profile.Gender.GenderID as opposed to profile.GenderID then I am updating the original Gender Lookup table which is not what I want.

I am confused..


+1  A: 

If the only thing you have to look up the gender is the text description, then that's the best you're going to do (although I would probably add StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase to the Equals). If you have the PK, there are other options.

Craig Stuntz
+1  A: 

It seems like a lot of effort to keep calling the database for this information. Could you not retrieve the pairs of values once, for example in Application_Start, put it in Cache, and then reference it as needed? After all, the values are not likely to change very often.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
Craig Stuntz
Agreed. Hard to assess in this situation. But making unnecessary calls to the database can sure impact performance negatively.